UNION (our young adult ministry) is hosting Friends & Food Trucks on June 14 at 6 PM at the East Paris Campus. Encourage anyone in your life in their 20s to check out this fun opportunity to connect. Find more info at
This month we look at the group value of Stories. God has worked in unique ways in each of us. As we share our stories, we get to know each other better and can celebrate God’s faithfulness in our lives. “What is an event in your life that drew you closer to God?” is one great question to ask.
Check out our online resources to help you grow as a leader. There are resources on reading the Bible, the gospel and care conversations. Find these + more
This is the second week of our new series, 10 QUESTIONS JESUS ASKED. This week’s conversation looks at a question Jesus asked a man who’d been ill for many years and the resulting controversy of this interaction.
What is your favorite comfort food when you’re feeling under the weather?
Have someone read John 5:1-18. What is new or surprising to you in this story?
Based on our recent sermon series THE BIBLE and Pastor Jeff’s comments about John 5:4 and the historical details given in this passage, how has your confidence in the reliability of the Bible grown?
Jesus approaches a man who has been an invalid for 38 years. How do you think the man felt when Jesus asked if he wanted to get well?
Pastor Jeff reminded us that God sees us in our pain and brokenness. Where do you need to remember that God sees you?
Not everyone wants to get well. What are some reasons people today might want to stay in their current condition?
Jesus’s healing of this man gives us a glimpse of the day when all that is broken will be restored. How does this story give you hope for something you are waiting to be restored?
Jesus heals the man on the Sabbath. What is it about this event that angers the religious leaders?
Jesus is forcing an issue about who he is and challenging their whole religious system. The religious leaders try to dismiss who Jesus is so they can hang on to their ways. What are the systems we try to hold on to that Jesus urges us to set down?
It’s like Jesus asks, “Who do you think I am, and what are you going to do with me?” How would you answer those questions?
Jesus finds the man in the temple and has a follow-up conversation. What does he instruct the man in John 5:14?
What are the things in our lives that we think if “this” goes away, everything will be better?
Jesus seems to be asking, “Do you want to get well?” to the man again. What step could you take this week to allow Jesus to bend your heart toward him?
Today we discussed a question Jesus asks a man who is ill and the controversy this event raises. Which part of our conversation resonated with you, and what’s one thing you want to do about it?