Welcome to the second week of our series Good Kings. This series explores the good kings of the Old Testament. This weekend, UNION Pastor Brad Holmes takes us to the story of David. David’s interactions with Saul help us see how David’s trust in God helps him navigate a very difficult relationship with Saul.
Building healthy and life-giving relationships.
What has been new or challenging in your life since last time the group met? Spend 20–30 minutes checking in with each other.
A small group only works well if the environment is loving and safe. What are some of the ways to make sure your small group remains a loving and safe environment?
Share Part of Your Story.
Brad’s message points were Stop, Drop and Roll. Most of us have had some kind of run in with fire. Share about your most memorable fire incident.
Taking next steps toward Christ together.
Have someone read 1 Samuel 26. What do you notice in these verses? What stands out?
Have someone retell the story from 1 Samuel 24.
David’s relationship with Saul is complicated and frustrating to say the least. Still, David stops to think about why God might have Saul in his life. Why do you think David does this?
What does it look like to stop and think about why God might have someone difficult in our life? How has God used difficult relationships in your life to help you learn to trust him or grow?
David has multiple opportunities to get even with Saul. Instead, he chooses to “drop” the spear and let God handle it. What opportunities did David have to get even with Saul? How does David respond in those situations?
David’s response seems vastly different from what we often see around us today. How does our our culture seem to value (or devalue) the concepts forgiveness and revenge?
Many of us have been hurt at one time or another by difficult relationships. We all have different “weapons” we use to exact revenge. What are some of the common ways people get revenge (passively or aggressively)? What are some of the ways you tend to use to get even?
David’s plan is to let God handle it. What are some godly alternatives to revenge? Have someone share about a time God helped them not seek revenge.
David repeatedly does the right thing regardless of Saul’s response. Did Saul deserve it? Does Saul ever really change? Why do you think David kept doing the right thing?
While David didn’t seek revenge, he also worked to protect himself from any danger Saul posed to him. What’s the difference between seeking revenge and protecting yourself?
What relationships do you have in your life that are difficult? (Warning: be careful not to dishonor that person as you share). What is your next step in trusting God with that relationship instead of seeking revenge?
How can your small group help support and encourage each other through difficult relationships?
Valuing people outside the group and outside the faith.
Discuss how you and your group can better engage the people in your life outside your small group.
Investing in the lives of those who do not have a relationship with Jesus helps us show them what it looks like to be a Jesus-follower. What does this look like in your life? Who are the people you are investing in that the group can pray for?
Last week we asked you to consider serving together as a small group. If you did not meet last week, have that conversation now. If you were able to meet, revisit that discussion. Serving together as a small group can be a great experience. One way you can serve together this summer is by serving as a group in Discovery Village, Ada Bible’s Ministry for Children. If you are interested in giving our regular DV volunteers a break by serving as a small group, please contact discoveryvillage@adabible.org to start a conversation or to sign up.
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