July 20/21 God is Holy
July 20/21 God is Holy

July 20/21 God is Holy

July 20/21 God is Holy



DON’T MISS THIS.Each July, we focus the GIVING TABLES on SCHOOL SUPPLIES. New pencils, notebooks and other supplies help students start the year off right! These supplies are designated for our Kids Hope partner schools. Here’s how you can help: from July 13-28, drop off new supplies at the weekend services or the church offices Monday–Thursday, 9 am-12 pm. Find the list of supplies needed at adabible.org/givingtables

GROUP VALUES.This July, we’re focusing on FORMATIVE CONVERSATIONS. Formative Conversations are discussions that shape us in the character of Jesus. These conversations happen when God’s truth and our true selves meet. Now is a great time to have a conversation as a group about how you can make sure formative conversations are regularly occurring in your group. Consider what might stop them from happening and how you can overcome those barriers.

GROW AS A LEADER. Ready to deepen your community and meet your group where they are? Check out Creating Community: Five Keys to Building a Thriving Small Group Culture by Andy Stanley and Bill Willits. In this book, the authors provide a proven strategy to foster meaningful, lasting connections in a small group.




Welcome to the eighth week of our sermon series, GOD IS___. This week, we examine a conversation between God and the prophet Isaiah.


Share about a time when you met someone famous or important. How did you react?



Have someone read Isaiah 6:1-8 aloud.

What sights and sounds does Isaiah describe in his vision?

How do you think Isaiah might have felt when encountering this overwhelming vision of God’s holiness?

What change in Isaiah’s attitudes or feelings do you observe between the start of the vision and his response to God’s call? What brought about this change?



Pastor Aaron Buer continued our God Is sermon series by discussing God’s holiness. As a group, recall some of the sermon’s big ideas and main points.

Pastor Aaron Buer said God’s holiness means he is “set apart” from creation and us. He is wholly other. How does the idea of God’s “otherness” challenge common cultural perceptions of who God is?

We’ve seen how encountering God’s holiness led Isaiah and Peter (Luke 5:8) to recognize their sinfulness. Why do you think this recognition is vital in a relationship with God?

How can we cultivate a habit of honest confession to God in our daily lives?

What changes in your life do you think God might bring if you were to recognize your sin daily and bring it to God?

How does the two-way transfer of Jesus—that he took your sin and gave you his righteousness and holiness—affect your understanding of your identity in Christ?

When do you feel most challenged to be “set apart” and live holy?

Think through your circles of influence. Where has God sent you to bring his message and holiness to others?

How can you represent him and his holiness in your daily interactions and responsibilities in those circles of influence?



This week, we discussed God’s holiness. What from this conversation or the sermon encouraged or challenged you the most, and why?

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