July 10/11 Meek & Hungry
July 10/11 Meek & Hungry

July 10/11 Meek & Hungry

July 10/11 Meek & Hungry



Help bless area organizations and schools through Giving Tables starting this weekend through July 25. Find the list of needed items and drop-off information at adabible.org/givingtables.


This month we are focused on group growth. Pray together and ask God to reveal who you might invite to join your group. Someone in your group likely knows someone who needs what your group has. Then plan an informal get-together and invite those people God brings to mind.


We’d love you to join our small groups staff at Global Leadership Summit. Small group leaders are a huge part of making small groups a place where people take their next steps with Jesus. Join us August 5–6 at Cornerstone University. Access a wealth of leadership insight from a world-class faculty ready to equip and inspire you. Sign up by July 14 at adabible.org/gls for only $119. If you sign up, let your staff contact know so they can connect with you there.


Welcome to the second week of our July series, Backward Blessing. This week Pastor Aaron Buer teaches how surrendering our strength, needs and desires to God brings blessing.

When you’re hungry, what’s your go-to snack and why?

Have someone read Matthew 5:1-6 aloud. What stands out to you?



Jesus’s listeners on the hillside were not people of power or position. How do you think they felt when Jesus said they would be blessed for their meekness?

What do you think is a common perception today of meekness or a meek person?

How can you practice the type of meekness Jesus is talking about here (submit your strength and will to God’s authority)?



Read Genesis 1:28 aloud. Pastor Aaron Buer said Christ will one day restore our broken world to its original order, and those who submit to Christ will rule with him. How does knowing Christ will restore and rule the world encourage you to surrender your strength and will to him?

All who submit to Christ and accept his sacrifice for sin on the cross are included in God’s inheritance for eternity. What do you think life in the new heaven and new earth will be like?



We all have needs and desires. Which of the core needs Pastor Aaron listed (affirmation, security, adventure, significance, connection) resonate with you the most and why?

What are some ways we seek to fill these God-given needs and desires on our own?

Instead of trying to satisfy the needs on our own, what do you think it means to hunger and thirst for righteousness?



Have someone read Matthew 6:31-34 aloud. What are some things that worry you today?

What would it look like for you to trust God and seek his kingdom first instead of chasing your cravings?

Jesus said those who hunger and thirst for righteousness will be filled or satisfied. How have you experienced God satisfying or filling you?



We discussed surrendering our strength, needs and desires to God. What step would you like to take this week to submit your strength, needs or desires to God?


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