DON’T MISS THIS. Join us for FLOURISH Friday, February 21, 2025, from 6:00-9:00 pm at our East Paris Campus. Hear from Pastor Jeff Manion and others who are pursuing a life of radical generosity during this special evening together. Flourish is a space to be inspired by the stories of others who have found the joy of God’s abundance in their lives and discuss what it looks like to lead a biblically generous life. To learn more and register, click HERE.
MONTHLY THEME. This January, we’re focusing on the value of creating a SAFE ENVIRONMENT. Cultivating a safe environment unlocks the potential for people to share life’s joys and struggles. One way safety is built within relationships is through shared experiences. As a group, consider ways that you can build relationships with one another outside of the regular small group routine. Contact your Small Group director if you have any questions or would like recommendations!
GROW AS A LEADER. Jumping back into the routine of small groups after the Holidays can be difficult for various reasons. Of all the winter months, January seems to both slow down and speed up at the same time. This is a great month to briefly review the health of your group or regain momentum for the next few months. Take some time to review our BEST PRACTICES for helpful tips on group structure, delegation, and more. Click HERE.
Welcome to week two of our sermon series TRUE WEALTH. This week, Pastor Jeff Manion explores the biblical perspective on contentment and how it relates to our relationship with money and possessions.
What is one thing you own that you cannot live without?
Have someone read 1 Timothy 6:6-10 out loud.
What phrases or words stand out to you from the passage?
What warnings does Paul give about the desire for wealth?
What connection does Paul make between contentment and godliness?
Pastor Jeff shared powerful insights about developing a contented heart in our modern culture. As a group, recall some of the sermon’s big ideas and main points.
How does our culture typically define wealth and success? What messages do we regularly hear about money and happiness?
What’s the difference between someone with wealth and someone wealthy in God’s eyes?
In the message, Pastor Jeff challenged us to consider, “How much money would it take for you to be happy?” What does this question reveal about our hearts?
Pastor Jeff highlighted the temporary nature of our possessions and how, just as we entered this world with nothing, we will leave this world with nothing. How does this understanding impact the way we view the things we own?
Contentment is the heart posture that frees us from sin in both seasons of financial struggle and financial stability. For those struggling financially, how can contentment help build margin? How can contentment help establish “enough” for those who are comfortable financially?
How does the hope of the Gospel address the deeper needs we often try to meet through money and possessions (security, value, significance)?
Pastor Jeff invited us to consider the practice of “relative simplicity.” What would it look like to practice living more simply than you can afford to live?
Comparison often plays the role of killing contentment. How have you experienced comparison-killing contentment in your own life?
In what areas do you find it most challenging to maintain contentment? How can this group support you?
One way we can grow in contentment is through the practice of gratitude. Pastor Jeff encouraged us at the start of this sermon series to practice gratitude for 28 days during this series. How is that going for you? What struggles or victories are you encountering?
This week, Pastor Jeff challenged us to examine our hearts regarding money and possessions. Take a moment to pray together, asking God to help each person develop a more contented heart that finds its primary satisfaction in him rather than in material wealth.