January 11/12 Out of the Desert
January 11/12 Out of the Desert

January 11/12 Out of the Desert

January 11/12 Out of the Desert


DON’T MISS THIS. Join us for FINANCIAL PEACE UNIVERSITY starting this month! This practical course will help you develop sound financial practices, while our “True Wealth” sermon series helps align your heart with God’s perspective on money and possessions. To register, click HERE.

GROUP VALUES. This January, we’re focusing on the value of creating a SAFE ENVIRONMENT. Creating safety for financial discussions is especially important as the topic is often sensitive. Take time to establish or revisit group guidelines about confidentiality and non-judgment, especially regarding financial matters. Contact your Small Groups staff if you need support facilitating these conversations.

GROW AS A LEADER. Here at Ada Bible Church, The Small Groups team wants to help you grow as a leader in three main areas: Be-Know-Do. As a leader, there are things you will want to KNOW. January is a perfect time to review our online modules. These intentionally crafted lessons walk you through many questions you might have when leading your group. To review, click HERE.



Welcome to our new sermon series, TRUE WEALTH. This week, Pastor Jeff explores how God uses gratitude to shape our perspective on financial success.



What is the most meaningful gift you’ve ever received? What made it so special?



Have someone read Deuteronomy 8:10-18 aloud.

What stands out to you about the passage?

What specific warnings does God give the Israelites in this passage?

How does Moses describe God’s role in their future prosperity?

What does this passage reveal about human nature when we experience abundance?



Pastor Jeff Manion introduced the sermon series TRUE WEALTH by exploring how gratitude is essential to godly stewardship. As a group, recall some of the sermon’s big ideas and main points.

How do people in our culture typically understand financial success and where it comes from?

What’s the difference between good financial habits and godly stewardship? How might someone achieve good financial habits without godly stewardship?

Moses warns Israel about forgetting God in times of prosperity. What makes it challenging to remember God as the giver when things are going well?

When are you most at risk of becoming prideful and thinking you did it or you earned it rather than seeing God as the giver?

Pastor Jeff described how all true biblical gratitude has a double object—meaning we can be grateful for the gift, but there is an element “higher up and farther back” that points to God as the giver. As a group, discuss how looking higher up and farther back could affect your practice of gratitude.

Every part of financial success, including our work ethic and drive, is a gift from God. How does this perspective challenge or affirm your attitudes about success?

Share about a specific gift, ability, person or circumstance you recognize as coming from God, something you cannot take credit for.

Pastor Jeff taught that gratitude helps us see God as good and generous. It is foundational to contentment, trust and generous love, eliminating things like anxiety, pride or indifference to others’ needs. How have you seen this to be true in your life? Or, how would you like to grow in order to see this in your life?

Pastor Jeff urged us to start habits of journaling three gratitude items a day for thirty days and to pray before our meals. What effect do you think these practices could have in your life, and what obstacles might you encounter? If you already have an established gratitude practice, share with the group what God has done in you through it.



What’s one specific way you want to grow in gratitude this week? Take time to pray for each other about these things.

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