Jan 2/3 A Fresh Start
Jan 2/3 A Fresh Start

Jan 2/3 A Fresh Start

Jan 2/3 A Fresh Start



Starting January 9/10, we will dive into a new series together called The School of Contentment. Please join us as we look at what the Bible says is the key to finding contentment in every situation we face in life. Along with this series, many groups will be going through Financial Peace University. For more information or to register your group for FPU, visit adabible.org/fpu.


As we approach the new year, now is a great time to hit the refresh button and recommit to your small group. A big part of caring for each other in a small group is being on the same page. Take some time to go over the Small Group Covenant together and discuss your groups’ strengths and growth areas, and recommit to these together.


Need some connection and encouragement for the new year? Join us and other Ada Bible Small Group Leaders on our Facebook page. Interact with other leaders as we all lead our groups together.


Welcome to 2021! Pastor Aaron Buer challenged us to love God with everything we’ve got and make him the center of our lives. This week we discuss what that looks like for us in 2021.

Do you choose a word to focus on for the New Year or make any resolutions?


The Israelites had just been delivered out of a land filled with many false gods and will find themselves combating these same cultural ideas in their future. God called them to something different—to follow only him. What are some areas of our life where we are called to look differently than the world around us?

Pastor Aaron Buer said if we take our faith in Jesus seriously this year, our 2021 will not look “normal.” How is it freeing to take a moment and acknowledge that our lives will look different?


Read Deuteronomy 6:4-9 together as a group. How does this verse emphasize we are to love God with everything we’ve got? What does it mean to love God with all our heart, soul and strength?

The Israelites had a good reason to love God. They had just been rescued from slavery in Egypt. We have a good reason to love God. What are we rescued from with Jesus’ death on the cross, and how should that motivate us to love God?


Moses’ instructions to Israel make it clear God is to be at the center of their lives. What’s the difference between having God at the center of your life versus moving him up the priority list?

Pastor Aaron Buer gave a list of different areas of our lives that God should be at the center of including our finances, work, sexuality, resources, family, relationships and time. Which of these areas do you want to focus on in 2021, and why?


This week we talked about loving God with all our heart, soul and strength. What’s one step to take this next week to focus on making God the center of your life?


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