February 24/25 Faith & Wealth
February 24/25 Faith & Wealth

February 24/25 Faith & Wealth

February 24/25 Faith & Wealth



Join us for the last couple of episodes of the BEYOND THE WEEKEND PODCAST for this sermon series. Senior Pastor Aaron Buer joins other Ada Bible staff for a casual conversation to dig deeper, review things that didn’t make it into the sermon and answer your questions. They’ll discuss helpful biblical insights and how the book of James is growing their faith and can grow yours, too. Listen to the podcast HERE. You can also submit your questions about the sermon or the book of James HERE. Your question could be featured on the podcast!


This February, we are focusing on SPIRITUAL PRACTICES. How have spiritual practices helped you grow more into the character of Jesus? Share ways you’ve grown or would like to grow while using a practice and commit to praying for each other and checking in about how things are going.


Want to grow as a leader? Looking to take the next step in your faith? The ONLINE LEADER TRAININGS are a great place to grow. Check out the opportunities at learning.adabible.org.


Welcome to the seventh week of our series, MAKE IT REAL. This week, we look at James’s teaching about how our faith affects our understanding of wealth and possessions.



What is one of the most memorable gifts you’ve ever received?



Have someone read James 4:13-5:6 aloud.

How does James describe life in James 4:13-14? What point do you think he is trying to make?

James mentions two groups of people in James 5:1-6. What differences does he point out about these groups?

What from this passage challenges you?



Pastor Aaron Buer taught that real faith affects our understanding of wealth and what we do with our resources. As a group, recall some of the sermon’s big ideas or main points.

In what ways does our culture tell us that acquiring more stuff will lead to satisfaction and fulfillment?

When have you experienced the feeling that a purchase would significantly improve your life, only to be disappointed later on?

Why do you think it’s so tempting for people to separate their “spiritual life” from other areas like work, finances, etc.?

James warns about wealth being vulnerable, like rotting grain or moth-eaten clothes. What are some examples of wealth proving to be temporary or vulnerable in our day?

When have you been tempted to justify sinful practices by saying, “That’s just business” or “Everyone does it”?

What are boundaries, or limits, you could put in place (around spending, consumption, lifestyle inflation) to fight the gravitational pull of always wanting more?

What’s one way you have seen generosity help overcome greed and overindulgence?

What might it look like for you to “invite Jesus” into an area of life like work, finances, etc., this week?

Which part of the sermon encouraged or challenged you the most, and why?



As you think about the teaching today, what is one thing the Holy Spirit is convicting you to change or do differently?