Christmas Services are some of our most attended church services all year. Consider serving together as a group during the Christmas services. Help is needed in Discovery Village, Facilities and Hospitality. To signup, visit
Christmas is a great time to invite friends to attend church with you. Ask your group who they are hoping to invite. Encourage each other and pray for those people. If they are attending a Christmas Eve service, remember to get tickets for their friends. Visit to find the Christmas Service time right for you.
Stay up-to-date as a leader and connect with other leaders on the Ada Bible Church Small Group Leaders Facebook page. If you haven’t visited in a while or aren’t a member yet, click here.
Welcome to the eighth week of our series, The Culture of the Cross. This week’s discussion is about using our gifting to serve together instead of thinking we are better or worse than others.
What’s one of your favorite Christmas candies or snacks?
Have a few people from your group take turns reading 1 Corinthians 12:12-31 aloud. What is Paul talking about? What sticks out to you?
What is Paul’s main point in 1 Corinthians 12:12-14? What is it about the Corinthian culture that might make Paul need to remind them of that?
How is Paul’s reference to the foot and the ear directed at people who might not feel their service to the church is significant (1 Corinthians 12:15-20)? What is Paul saying to them?
Every part of the body is essential. Everybody matters. Everybody’s needed. What roles or gifts do we often overlook? What would happen if no one did those things? How are they just as important?
Have someone read 1 Corinthians 12:18 aloud. How does it make you feel to know that God has gifted you and given you a role to play?
If God has gifted each one of us uniquely to serve each other in the Jesus-community, how can that help us be content with who we are? How does that challenge us to serve each other?
When have you seen God provide exactly what someone needed through the gifts and abilities of other people?
If the body needs all the parts to be functioning correctly, what happens to the body if we don’t do our part?
Pastor Jeff Manion said we find our place when we jump in and serve, listen for feedback, and cultivate. Why do you think it takes jumping in and serving?
How can it be easy to ignore feedback that might be helpful to find our place?
How have you experienced finding your place at Ada Bible? If you don’t feel like you have, where can you jump in?
Do you feel like you know where your gifting might be? What are some ways you could cultivate that gift?
What do you think is going on in the Corinthian church for Paul to write 1 Corinthians 12:21-22?
Do you feel like our culture tells us we need people or that we can be independent?
Why do you think Paul writes, “those parts of the body that seem to be weaker are indispensable” (1 Corinthians 12:22)? How should the variety in our church help us grow as followers of Jesus?
This week we discussed Paul’s reminder to the Corinthians that we are each uniquely gifted, and we need each other. What stuck out to you the most? What’s one thing you want to do differently because of our discussion?
PLEASE NOTE: There will be no Sermon Discussion Guide
for December 21, 22 & 24 and December 28/29.
It will resume January 4/5.
We hope you gather together to celebrate,
have some winter fun and continue to pray for one another.
Download a printable PDF.
Download the bookmark and card for the Habits of Love Challenge.