DON’T MISS THIS. All of us need a little help sometimes. No matter what you may be feeling or going through—you are not alone. God loves you very much, and so does our church. Whether you or someone in your group needs PRAYER, or if you need someone to talk to, visit>CONTACT US & PRAYER REQUESTS and submit your prayer request or start a conversation.
GROUP VALUES. This September, we’re focusing on our spiritual STORIES. We believe there is value in talking about the events that shape us into the people we are. Take an opportunity this month in your small group to talk about some of the key events that have made you into the person you are.
GROW AS A LEADER. Fall is the season when groups often get into a regular rhythm. We are praying this verse for you as you lead your group into the fall season: “Let us not become weary in doing good, for at the proper time we will reap a harvest if we do not give up. Therefore, as we have opportunity, let us do good to all people, especially to those who belong to the family of believers.” Galatians 6:9-10
Welcome to the fourth and final week of our sermon series, POLITICS & UNITY. This week, our guest Pastor John Dickson explores Paul’s message to the church at Philippi about how Christ-like humility can transform our relationships and promote unity in a divided world.
Share about a time when someone’s act of humility or selflessness made a significant impact on you or others around you.
Start your discussion by reviewing Pastor Aaron Buer’s hopes for our church throughout this series. Pray through these as a group as you begin your time together.
- That no matter who you vote for, you will feel welcome at Ada Bible.
- That we will see politics through the lens of Jesus and not the other way around.
- That we will be curious about why our fellow Jesus followers hold political views different than our own.
- That we will invite God to challenge us through this series.
- That this series will bond us together as a church during this political season.
Have someone read Philippians 2:1-11 aloud. What stands out to you from this passage?
How does Paul describe Christ’s attitude and actions in these verses?
What specific instructions does Paul give the Philippians in light of Christ’s example?
How does this passage connect the concepts of humility and unity?
Guest speaker John Dickson continued our Politics & Unity sermon series by discussing Christlike humility. As a group, recall some of the sermon’s big ideas and main points.
John Dickson mentioned that when Paul wrote about humility, it wasn’t considered a virtue in ancient times. How does our culture respond to humility?
The sermon highlighted that humility is not thinking less of yourself, but being “passive in promoting self and active in serving others.” How does this definition challenge or change your understanding of humility?
How have you seen a lack of humility contribute to division in politics, the church or other areas of society?
The sermon emphasized that the Trinity is the ultimate source of our unity and love. How could reflecting on God’s triune nature inspire us to pursue unity with other believers, even when we disagree?
Paul appeals to the Philippians to be “like-minded” and “one in spirit” despite their diverse backgrounds. What practical ways will cultivate this kind of unity in our church community, especially during election seasons?
Where do you find it most challenging to emulate Jesus’s “active in service and passive in self-promotion” attitude? How might practicing this change your relationships?
We heard that “a Christian vote isn’t a vote for a Christian candidate, it’s not a vote for my team… It’s a vote for the interests of others.” How does this perspective challenge your approach to political engagement?
As we conclude the Politics & Unity series, what’s one specific way you feel called to practice Christlike humility in your relationships, community involvement or political engagement?