August 15/16 All the People

Aug 15/16 All the People

August 15/16 All the People



We want to be a blessing for students, teachers and principals in the schools we partner with for Kids Hope and Iglesia Belén Church. You and your group can help by purchasing items for our School Supplies Drive and then drop them back off at a date and time below. No matter your age or stage of life, you can make an impact in students’ lives in this way! Find the list and drop off dates/times at


This month we are highlighting Care. Caring for each other reflects the heart of God. Check in with each other to see what practical needs you can meet in your group this fall.


Our small group leader modules are back up! Explore a module and grow as a leader at


Welcome to our new sermon series, Leaning In. Over the next four weeks, we will be leaning in to listen to the heart of God and discover how the early church lived out his love by spreading the good news of Jesus into all the earth. This week we discuss how God’s heart is for everybody and anybody.

Share about an unwanted change you experienced and how you saw God work through it.

Read Acts 8:1b-5 and Acts 8:26-40 aloud.  What stands out to you?



As Jesus prepares to return to Heaven, he commands his disciples to “go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you” (Matthew 28:19-20a). What does this command reveal about God’s heart for everybody?

What are some steps we can personally take to become more of a community that reflects diversity-living-in-unity under Christ?

Pastor Aaron Buer encouraged us to lean in to pursue a conversation and build a relationship with someone who is different than you. Share with the group if God has brought someone to mind and commit to pray for each other as you have these conversations.



The Ethiopian eunuch was excluded from full worship at the temple because of his ethnicity and his altered body. What types of people or groups have our culture taught us to exclude?

How can we better reflect God’s heart for anybody?

Through Philip’s teaching of Scripture, the Ethiopian eunuch understood Jesus’ death and resurrection had removed all barriers between him and God. He said, “What can stand in the way of my being baptized?” What has stood in the way from you coming close to God?



This week we discussed how God’s heart is for everybody and anybody. What is one thing you can do this week to welcome someone who feels like they are on the outside?


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