August 14/15 Two Foundations
August 14/15 Two Foundations

Aug 14/16 Two Foundations

August 14/15 Two Foundations



Your group can make an impact on the next generation by serving in a variety of ways. Ada Bible is looking for small group leaders for children ages birth through high school. Check out under the tab SERVE for more information.


This month we are focused on formative conversations. We desire our time in small groups to balance sharing life with intentional time to discuss biblical truth. As we gear up for fall, talk with your group about committing to formative conversations in your time together and discuss how this might shape the conversations and time spent in your circle.


Now is a great time to invest in your leadership skills. Visit our modules at to revisit previous ones or work through other ones.


This is the third and final week of our current series, Two Ways. This week we discuss how we build a solid foundation for our lives through Jesus’s teachings.

What is your favorite house you’ve ever lived in, and why?

Have someone read Matthew 7:13-29 aloud. What strikes you most in this passage?



Jesus describes two builders who construct their homes in very different ways. What’s the central message of Jesus’s story?

People were amazed by Jesus and followed him around. They were big fans and admirers. How can we regularly commit to move from fans to followers of Jesus?



What is the difference in the response of the two builders to what Jesus taught?

It can be easy to confuse information for transformation when it comes to the Bible and the teachings of Jesus. We think just knowing more details is the goal. What’s the difference between knowing Jesus’s teaching and putting them into practice in our life?

We’ve spent much of the summer in the Sermon on the Mount. Pastor Jeff Manion said that “What are you going to do with this?” is one of the big questions we have to answer. How has Jesus’s teaching challenged you this summer?



Both the wise man and the foolish experience a storm. Jesus seems to be saying we need to build in a way that will withstand coming storms. What are some regular practices you are doing to build in a way that will withstand a storm?

How can our small group help each other withstand the storms of life?

The three stories in the “Two Ways” series seem to have similar endings. One way leads to life, the other to destruction. What’s the destruction Jesus appears to be talking about?

What comes to mind when you hear the phrase “Eternity without God”?



Pastor Jeff Manion says we are to be people of “two hills.” What are the two hills?

Have someone read Ephesians 2:8-10 aloud. What do you think Paul wants his readers to understand?

Pastor Jeff Manion said both hills should always be in the same frame. How can we balance living out both hills?



This week we discussed paying attention to what we are building our lives on—putting into practice Jesus’s teachings or ignoring them. What part of the conversation struck you as most important, and what is one way you will live into that this week?


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