April 6/7 Exclusion and Embrace
April 6/7 Exclusion and Embrace

April 6/7 Exclusion and Embrace

April 6/7 Exclusion and Embrace



Sometimes in our faith journey we hunger to dig deeper. Maybe there are things about doctrine or theology that you find confusing and learning from an expert could fill in some gaps. This Spring, Ada Bible Church is launching a new program called ADA BIBLE ACADEMY. We are offering two different three-week classes starting Thursday, April 25, from 7-8:30 pm at our East Paris Campus. Learn more and sign up at adabible.org/ada-bible-academy.


This April, we focus on the value of providing a SAFE ENVIRONMENT. We want group members to feel welcome and open to talk about life, faith and struggles. One of the ways to foster a safe environment is to encourage members to open up, especially those who might struggle to do so. Take time this week to affirm any member who usually struggles when they share.


Do you have access to RIGHT NOW MEDIA? Ada Bible Church provides leaders access to this library of 25,000+ videos. Find Bible studies, kids’ programming, custom content from Ada Bible and more. Sign up at app.rightnowmedia.org/join/adabiblechurch.


Welcome to our sermon EXCLUSION AND EMBRACE with guest teacher John Dickson. This week, we examine an encounter between the Apostle Philip and an Ethiopian Eunuch that reveals the gospel is for people from all backgrounds.



Share about a time when someone included you in something. What made that experience so memorable?



Have someone read Acts 8:26-38 aloud.

Who are the characters in this passage, and what stands out to you about each one?

What questions does this passage raise for you?

What does this passage reveal about the gospel message of Jesus?



Guest pastor John Dickson taught that the gospel message proclaims that we are all equally fallen and that we may all be equally saved through faith in Jesus’s life, death and resurrection. As a group, recall some of the sermon’s big ideas or main points.

In what ways do you see today’s society promoting ideals of exclusion rather than embrace?

Throughout history, what are some examples of the Church failing to live out the inclusive spirit of the gospel?

If we’re honest, what types of people or groups are we tempted to treat as “outsiders” unworthy of the gospel?

How have you seen churches or individuals do well at embracing, loving and sharing the gospel with those considered “outsiders”?

The Ethiopian eunuch was marginalized significantly, yet he models belief and immediate baptism. What encouragement or challenge does his response bring you?

When have you sensed the Holy Spirit prompting you to share the gospel with someone you wouldn’t normally engage with? What happened?

Share with the group who you would like to see come to faith in Jesus. Commit to praying for them and for opportunities to share the gospel with them.

Which part of the sermon encouraged or challenged you the most, and why?


This week, we learned that the gospel is for all people and that we are all called to share it. After this discussion, what is one specific way you sense God calling you to better embrace and share the gospel with those our society marginalizes?