Before you gather, encourage people in your group to bring a physical Bible (different versions if they have them) to small group time to look at the resources provided throughout the text.
This month we look at the group value of Spiritual Practices. As we study the Bible in this current series, encourage your group to go deeper into knowing God’s Word. Consider learning a memory verse together. This month Beyond the Weekend is memorizing Matthew 22:37-39.
Have you met with your staff ministry contact lately? This is the time of year for groups to decide what they will do in the summer, and our staff is always happy to meet up for encouragement and offer suggestions to keep your group connected through the summer season.
This is the second week of our series called THE BIBLE. Our conversation this week looks at a few facets of what the Bible is.
What is a favorite book you’ve ever (or most recently) read? Why did you love it?
Have someone read 2 Peter 1:16-21. Why do you think Peter wrote this?
The Bible isn’t one book but a library of books. What are a few different types of books you would find in a modern library?
The Bible wasn’t written like a cookbook with a specific recipe for each situation of our lives. What might be some problems when we treat the Bible as a cookbook?
What do you think are some differences between how we should read the various genres of the books that make up the Bible? Which types of biblical literature are you most drawn to?
Open your Bible’s Table of Contents. As a group, take a shot at identifying the genres of some of the books.
Reread 2 Peter 1:16 and 2 Peter 1:19. What are some reasons the author gives for why the Scriptures are reliable?
The comparison of God’s Word to a light or lamp is used numerous times in the Bible. Jesus picks up on this metaphor and says he is the light of the world. What does it mean that Jesus says this?
How have you experienced the Bible as a light in the darkness in your life?
Who does 2 Peter 1:21 say is involved in writing the Scriptures?
What are some ways that we may see the individuality of authors and editors in the different books of the Bible?
Why does it matter that God and humans were both involved in authoring the Bible?
God spoke through different ancient people and different types of ancient literature. Pastor Jeff Manion asked us to say, “Thanks be to God” that God has chosen to meet us through human language, genres and methods. What about this is compelling for you?
Today we talked about the vast library of the Bible, its reliability and its authorship. Which of these areas was most compelling to you this week? What is one way you want to interact more or differently with the Bible because of this conversation?