Jobs For Life Volunteer

Jobs For Life Volunteer

Jobs For Life Volunteer

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Job Description

Volunteer - Volunteer

Mission Statement: Motivated by the love of Christ, we promote abundant life by providing holistic services to women and men affected by unplanned pregnancy.

Jobs for Life (JFL) is a nationally used model, rooted in faith with belief that there are solutions to systematic barriers hindering meaningful employment to many. JFL focuses on the core causes of unemployment, underemployment, and disengagement with work by calling on local churches, businesses, and organizations to Flip the List.

To empower our male clients to engage in their God given gifts and talents in the work force, AGR needs an army of strategic volunteers who are diverse in age, vocation, and race, to walk alongside them. We are piloting JFL with our male clients hoping to expand to all clients in the future. 

Volunteer Needs:

Class co-facilitator (1):


Prepare lessons in advance, extract key points for reinforcing the material and oversee the overall flow of the class. Present the Jobs for Life curriculum in a caring and professional manner, set the stage for learning, create an atmosphere for interaction, work with Student Relations Leader and Champion Team Leader to ensure that students are applying JfL principles, and help every student move closer to JfL Graduation.


Student Relations Leader (1):


Recruits and screens unemployed and underemployed individuals who demonstrate a strong desire to improve their work situation. Organize and plan all student activities to include:

·        Student Screening

·        Class Celebrations

·        Champion/Student matching

·        Student Graduation

·        Administer/Pre-Class Survey

·        Post-Graduation Follow-up activities


Champion (2-3):


Commit to journey with a Jobs for Life (JfL) student for a 2 to 6 month period to provide friendship, support, guidance, assistance and a sense of community that will help the student complete the course and overcome employment barriers


Start Date: Fall 2022

Commitment Level: 1-2 weeknights for 8 weeks each fall and spring

Volunteer Application Process

·If interested in this volunteer position, please contact Lauren Herlein, Community Engagement Manager, at 616.742.0242 x105