Job Description
Education - Full-time
2022/2023 SCHOOL YEAR
This is for a full-time elementary position teaching First Grade English, a full-time elementary position teaching Second Grade English, and a full-time elementary position teaching Third Grade English.
Candidates should have Bachelor’s Degree in Education or related field and a teaching certificate.
- Valid Teaching Certificate.
- Bachelor’s Degree, minimum.
- Demonstrate the ability to successfully work with a variety of students, individually and in small groups.
· Ability to adapt classroom work for the purpose of providing students with instructional materials that address individualized learning plans.
· Be ready for fast-paced and ever-changing educational environment.
· Well-versed in differentiated instruction and project-based learning.
· Be able to integrate Biblical principles into their daily teaching as well as model those in their daily lives.
· Active Christian in agreement with and willing to sign the NorthPointe Christian School’s Foundational statements.
Resumes/applications are currently being accepted through Wednesday, March 1st, 2022, or until the position is filled. Please send resume and cover letter, or complete the NPCS Teacher Application Form and the NPCS Foundational Statements Form (located on website: and submit to:
Sarah Eggerichs, Administrative Assistant