Director of Programs and Training

Director of Programs and Training

Director of Programs and Training

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Job Description

Management - Full-time

Are you looking to make a difference in people’s lives for the sake of building Christ’s kingdom? 
Do you enjoy working on a team that is excited about their faith and the opportunities they have daily to impact lives for Christ? 
Do you get excited about seeing God at work everyday through the love and service of faith-based volunteers? 
Then consider joining the Volunteers in Service (VIS) team where these things happen! VIS is seeking a Director of Programs and Training moving into the Executive Director role.
To read the job description, go to To apply, please send a cover letter and resume to Rebecca Gates, President of the VIS Board, For questions, clarification or just to learn more, please email or call Rebecca: 616.970.1369.  We are looking forward to receiving resumes and discerning the will of God as we review them.
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