Chief Development Officer

Chief Development Officer

Chief Development Officer

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Job Description

Executive - Full-time

Mission Advancement Fundraising Philosophy: “When we seek to raise funds we are declaring, ‘We have a vision that is amazing and exciting. We are inviting you to invest yourself through the resources that God has given you – your energy, your prayers and your money – in this work to which God has called us.”  – Henri Nouwen, A Spirituality of Fundraising


Title: Chief Development Officer

Reports To: LIFE International SVP & President

Position Summary: Work in partnership with LIFE International’s Mission Advancement team and President to provide vision and strategic direction for overall Mission Advancement initiatives that support LIFE International’s annual budget. Provide leadership oversight to the team and develop strategies to recruit, renew, retain and grow giving partners at all levels.


Primary Responsibilities:

·       Provide oversight for the execution of Mission Advancement’s fundraising plan for mission goals. Facilitate team PDCA (Plan, Do, Check, Adjust) for the work improvement strategy and ongoing development of the Ministry Excellence plan.

·        Lead and develop the Mission Advancement Team and coordinate team members serving in their skill/passion areas to contribute to overall Mission Advancement goals.


·       Work with the President and Executive Office Director to create and facilitate a tiered annual plan for Major Gift Partner cultivation and invitations. Help execute the plan related to respective MGP caseloads and the development of new Major Gift Partners.

·       Provide direction to the Mid-Level Officer in communicating with their portfolio of giving partners to encourage, thank and cultivate further engagement.

·       Oversee grant writing and work with other team members to produce grant apps and reports.

·       Collaborate with the Finance and Equipping departments to develop compelling missional giving opportunities from within LIFE International’s overall budget.

·       Work with the President and Communications Team to develop the strategy for Mission Advancement messaging and annual multi-channel communications plan to increase major, monthly, and general partner giving.  Work with the Communications Team to carry out this plan.

·       Work with the Communications Director and President to develop directional points and core messaging copy for Mission Advancement communications.

·       Oversee event strategies and give guidance for execution of fundraising initiatives as needed. Give direction in certain aspects of events related to messaging and Major Gift Partners.


·       Demonstrates a strong and growing relationship in Jesus Christ.

·       Understands, believes, and practices the Biblical principles of the value of human life message and able to compassionately articulate the integrated message of the Gospel and the sanctity of human life.

·       A person of upstanding character.

·       Seasoned experience in fundraising, sales, marketing, and donor relations.

·       Demonstrates strong written and verbal communication skills and has a clear understanding of donor communications and messaging

·       Experienced at team building, coaching and maintaining the organization’s culture.

·       Ability to publicly present organizational message in a compelling manner.

·       Displays excellent leadership, time management, and interpersonal skills.

·       Highly organized and gives attention to details.

·       Demonstrates an ability to remain professional, positive and motivated when rejections occur.

·       Displays proficiency in Microsoft Office 365 and Outlook software programs.

Please email to submit cover letter and resume’ for further in-person interwiew.