Your Book
July 13|The Way of the Wise Series
July 13|The Way of the Wise Series
READ Proverbs 13 (listen). WRITE out one verse and SHARE with someone.
The tongue has the power of life and death. Proverbs 18:21a
Read: Proverbs 18:21
Listen: Proverbs 18
Most of us would never dream of trying to write a book. Yet in one week, the average person (both male and female) speaks 114,000 words, not including text and email. This is equivalent to a 300-page book. Think about that! Without even trying—we use enough words in one week to fill a book.
As The Way of the Wise series comes to an end, our focus is on words. The words we use have the power to either breathe life or whisper death into the lives of those who hear them. In Proverbs, Solomon warns about the effects of words at least 150 times.
The power of words is even more relevant today because there are many ways to misuse them. Technology and the internet make it possible for our words reach hundreds of people all at once.
So, what does the book you are writing cause others to experience? What kind of life are you living as a result of your words? In today’s The Wisdom Challenge reading, Solomon tells us, “Those who guard their lips preserve their lives. But those who speak rashly will come to ruin” (Proverbs 13:3).
Reflect on what type of book you are writing. Is it bringing life, or is it bringing death to the people and relationships around you? Begin this week by asking God to make you aware of your words and help you bring life to others.
Download a printable PDF of the BTW week here.