Words and Our Heart
February 16|Make it Real Series
February 16|Make it Real Series
A good man brings good things out of the good stored up in his heart, and an evil man brings evil things out of the evil stored up in his heart. For the mouth speaks what the heart is full of. Luke 6:45
Read: Luke 6:43-49
Listen: Luke 6
Pastor Aaron Buer has mentioned numerous times that James’s letter can feel like a gut punch. Well, it seems like he may have gotten that from growing up with his brother, Jesus. In today’s text, Jesus speaks something that is a bit of a gut punch. It’s a call to honest assessment of who we are and it has everything to do with our words. Jesus says words reveal the heart.
It’s easy to excuse hurtful words. We use phrases like, “That’s not who I am” or “I was just joking” when we apologize. But Jesus says the heart spills. So if we find ourselves saying hurtful things, we should honestly assess our hearts. It’s likely our heart and our character need to be transformed by Jesus. Here’s the thing, our heart will never be perfect and our character will never be fully formed, but we cannot lie to ourselves about it. We must take Jesus seriously if we want to change. Jesus’s teaching about words calls us to be honest with ourselves. The good news is that Jesus is in the business of fixing broken things, including our hearts. Our job is to make our faith real by obeying him. When we choose to obey, the Holy Spirit transforms our hearts.
TODAY: Memorize Psalm 19:14, “May these words of my mouth and this meditation of my heart be pleasing in your sight, Lord, my Rock and my Redeemer.” Partner with the Holy Spirit in the changing of your heart and words by praying this verse every morning, in the middle of the day and at night. Try it for the rest of the month. Returning to this request over and over will create the time and space for it to reshape your heart.
Read Genesis 23-25. Highlight anything that points to Jesus.
Download a printable PDF of the BTW week here.