Why a Song?
September 22|The New You Series
September 22|The New You Series
Songs are intricately tied to our memory. They help us remember things we’ve memorized (learning the ABCs in rhythmic cadence) and they take us back to special times and places. So much of our life is lived with our personal soundtrack. Perhaps this is why Colossians 1.15-23 is a song. It was to be remembered.
This critical teaching was formed into song lyrics because Paul wanted the Colossians to remember it. By connecting it to a familiar tune, they’d be able to play the tune in their brain as they shopped in the open-air market or gathered for sporting events. It was to be running through their mind as they walked through life. A song allowed them to easily remember, “He made me. He bought me. I am his.”
Today, use the song “The Solid Rock” by Austin Stone Church to continually remind you of the sufficiency of Jesus as you “continue in your faith, established and firm, and [not moving] from the hope held out in the gospel” (Colossians 1.23).