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Text: Isaiah 40.8-31

To whom, then, will you compare God? To what image will you liken him? Isaiah 40.18

The God we serve is bigger than anything we could possibly imagine: he’s “measured the waters in the hollow of his hand” (Isaiah 40.12), he’s the creator of the whole universe, and he’s above all and in all. As the overseer of our universe, he’s “the boss.”

God’s plan for humanity is to reconcile us back to himself: we need a mediator to span the gap between God and man. In order to bridge the gap, God sent his only Son to the earth. Even with all the power and authority of his Father, Jesus humbled himself to death on a cross to save us from our own sin.

Returning to his disciples following his resurrection, Jesus claimed the same authority we see in Isaiah 40, “All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me.”

This week, as you welcome God into each day, memorize Matthew 28.18 as a reminder of the authority Jesus has not only over your life, but everything else in the world.