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August 10|10 Questions Jesus Asked Series
August 10|10 Questions Jesus Asked Series
He asked them, “What are you discussing together as you walk along?” They stood still, their faces downcast. Luke 24:17
Read: Luke 24:13–32
Listen: Luke 24
Luke mentions something about the countenance of the two men on the road. When Jesus asks them what they are discussing, Luke writes that their faces are downcast. These guys are in emotional distress. Luke tells why. The men had hoped Jesus was the Messiah, but then he’s killed. Their hopes and dreams died with Jesus on the cross. Now they’re even more confused because of the reports of an empty tomb. Jesus sidles up to these guys while they’re in pain.
Jesus met them in their pain and wants to meet us in our pain, too. When a parent dies unexpectedly, Jesus wants to meet us there. When we experience a breakup we didn’t see coming, Jesus is with us. When we find ourselves suddenly estranged from our child, Jesus wants to walk next to us. Jesus’s interaction with these guys helps remind us that he’s with us in good and challenging times.
Remember that God is with you in your pain. Ask God to help you feel his presence. Return to the weekend service with “Morning by Morning (I Will Trust)” sung by the Ada Worship team. The lyrics remind us to trust even when we can’t see, that we don’t need to be afraid, that our future is secure and that God will give us what we need each day.
Develop spiritual roots and tap in the power of God’s word by memorizing monthly a Bible verse! View previous verses at beyondtheweekend.org/biblememorypractice.
Trust in the LORD with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways submit to him, and he will make your paths straight.
Download a printable PDF of the BTW week here.