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Text: Proverbs 20.22

Responding in a God-honoring way when we’ve been hurt requires we understand “our role” vs. “God’s role.” Proverbs 20.22 details these two roles: ours is to wait while God’s is to repay. A problem develops when we assume God’s role and seek to punish those we think deserve it. Because we’re sinful creatures, it’s impossible for us to take revenge with pure motives.

We see this illustrated in the life of David, Israel’s second king. Rather than take revenge on the first king, Saul, he obediently followed God’s command (Leviticus 19.18) even though Saul was guilty and David innocent. “May the Lord judge between you and me. And may the Lord avenge the wrongs you have done to me, but my hand will not touch you” (1 Samuel 24.12).

Not seeking revenge doesn’t mean we let an offense slide. It means we wait as we give our desire for justice over to God and his timing.

Today, as you again remember an offense against you not yet rectified, recommit it to God and trust he will do what is right in his timing (Genesis 18.25).