Unimaginable Love
December 14|Reveal Series
December 14|Reveal Series
God, who’s revealed himself in Creation and Scripture, also reveals himself in Jesus Christ, who is both perfectly man and perfectly God. Think about that: God—who created man—becomes a man, and moves in with us. When we read the Gospels, we tend to forget the eternal, Creator-God reached out to us by becoming human. This is unimaginable love the likes of which our world has never seen before.
Jesus’ birth account is only recorded twice (Luke 1 and 2 and Matthew 1.18-2.23). As God, Jesus chose to enter our world which has been terribly marred, scarred, and vandalized by sin. To look at Jesus is to view—in human, touchable form—the heart and personality of the living, invisible God. We see in him the love, grace, healing, delight, mercy, and joy of the Father. There is none other like him.
Most people probably don’t envision God as a humble, blue collar carpenter. They would probably say God looks like a wise old man. But Jesus wasn’t an old sage, or even a warrior king. His purpose was to identify with us and, in doing so, go to the cross, removing the barrier of sin that separates us from God. He came to help us in our need. He died for us, rose to life, and defeated the grave.
In the history of the world no other religious leader has been the one, true God who moved in with us. The god of no other religion has taken care of our sin problem.
Today as you start your week, soak in the song “Jesus Son of God” by Chris Tomlin, and rejoice in the awesome love God poured on us by moving into our broken world. He is all we need.