The Vulnerable
January 25|Make it Real Series
January 25|Make it Real Series
Religion that God our Father accepts as pure and faultless is this: to look after orphans and widows in their distress. James 1:27a
Read: James 1:27
Listen: James 1
James expands on what real religion looks like by highlighting care for widows and orphans. These are the most vulnerable people in their society. James gets this teaching from Jesus. Jesus preaches the good news of God’s kingdom and lives it out by caring for the vulnerable (Matthew 4:23). Caring for the vulnerable of society is a consistent theme throughout the Bible (see Isaiah 58:6-7). God cares for the people others might not notice or care about.
We reflect the heart of God when we care for the most vulnerable in our society. This includes befriending classmates who are bullied or social outcasts. Or we can come alongside a single parent struggling to make ends meet. We might support foster families or parents caring for children with special needs. Or we can befriend refugee families as they adjust to a new culture.
As we share our time, energy and resources with the vulnerable of our society we show the world what Jesus is like. We can share our faith with words and deeds, being those who listen to the Word and do what it says (James 1:22).
TODAY: Consider ways to help those who are vulnerable around you. Journal practical steps you could take this week like dropping off a meal, asking to hear their story or purchasing an item they need. Ask God for wisdom to know how and when to help.
Read Luke 18. Highlight anything that refers to the Old Testament and how Jesus fulfills it.
Download a printable PDF of the BTW week here.