The Response
October 18|A Doubter's Guide to Jesus Series
October 18|A Doubter's Guide to Jesus Series
On hearing this, Jesus said, “it is not the healthy who need a doctor, but the sick.” Matthew 9:12
Listen: Matthew 9
The Pharisees lacked mercy but also humility. They were very serious about religious observances and kept themselves ceremonially clean. They worked hard to be holy and didn’t think that they needed grace. They believed they had earned favor with God through their actions. Jesus flips this on its head instead. By saying that it was the sick who need a doctor and not the healthy, Jesus was calling them to recognize they were not too good for grace.
It is easy for us to think, like the Pharisees, that we don’t need grace. But we’re wrong, and we do. It’s why Jesus came. He came specifically for “sinners” like us. No matter who we are or what we have done—we cannot earn the grace of God. Our first step is recognizing that we need grace. Watch this video clip below with Pastor Jeff Manion. If we don’t think we need it, like the Pharisees, we will never receive it. Jesus came to save those with the humility to say, “I’m just messed up, and I don’t deserve your grace.” Fortunately, Jesus shows us that he is a friend of sinners and has plenty of room at his table for you.
Spend a few minutes and admit to God that you don’t deserve his grace because you are a sinner and messed up. Thank him for being a friend to sinners and for making room at his table for you. If this is your first time admitting this to God, please let us know by contacting us at
Download a printable PDF of the BTW week here.