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Jeremiah 31.31-34

Even a cursory reflection on this tenth commandment, to say nothing of the other nine, leads us to quickly conclude we’re all condemned by this high standard. It’s what James meant when he wrote, “For whoever keeps the whole law and yet stumbles at just one point is guilty of breaking all of it” (James 2.10). As lawbreakers we’re all in need of God’s grace. As Pastor Manion reminds us in the video clip below, that’s exactly what he provides.

In Jeremiah 31.31-34, the prophet spoke of a coming day when God would write his law on the hearts and minds of his people. This new covenant would transform those who believe and result in real change. This is what Jesus did on the cross when he died as payment for our sin. By dying, he became our saving, forgiving rescuer.

If nothing else, the Ten Commandments show us we cannot meet God’s righteous standard on our own. We need grace. We need a Savior.

If you’ve not yet responded to God’s grace, we’d welcome the opportunity to introduce you to Jesus. Please contact us at btw@adabible.org. If you’ve entered into this relationship with him, take time today to specifically thank him for his grace and mercy toward you.