The Provision of Jesus
February 27|Learning To Trust Series
February 27|Learning To Trust Series
This is how God showed his love among us: He sent his one and only Son into the world that we might live through him. This is love: not that we loved God, but that he loved us and sent his Son as an atoning sacrifice for our sins. 1 John 4:9-10
Read: 1 John 4:9-11
Listen: 1 John 4
When God made the covenant with Abraham, he made the shocking promise of upholding both ends of the contract. He essentially said, “If I don’t keep my part, and if you don’t keep yours, may I be torn to pieces” (Genesis 15). God shows Abraham he does not require the offering of Isaac and provides a substitute sacrifice. Thousands of years later, God fulfilled the covenant by allowing his own beloved son to be sacrificed on our behalf. What God would never ask of Abraham, he did himself. God provided his own son, Jesus, as the offering for our sins. Abraham was completely obedient in willingness to offer his son. Jesus was completely obedient in offering himself.
We often think we will please God if we can just be good enough or give, serve or sacrifice enough. Nothing we do could ever be enough to earn God’s approval. We can toss our trying in the trash. Instead, we trust Jesus’ sacrifice on our behalf and humbly come to him. Only through Jesus can we have a restored relationship with God.
Our rest in the rescue God, provided through Jesus, should prompt a grateful response. We give ourselves entirely to him not to secure his love and favor, but out of grateful remembrance for the love and favor He already provides. Watch this video clip as Guest Pastor John Dickson explains what Jesus has done for us.
If you have never accepted the provision of Jesus, respond today with a simple prayer telling God you accept the forgiveness of sins through Jesus. If you have previously accepted Jesus’ sacrifice, offer your gratitude to God for doing what you could never do on your own.
Download a printable PDF of the BTW week here.