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“Not so with you. Instead, whoever wants to become great among you must be your servant, and whoever wants to be first must be slave of all.” Mark 10:43-44

Read: Mark 10:41–45
Mark 10


Gentiles (non-Jews) of Jesus’ time define greatness by lording their power over others. The higher the position, the more one looks down on others. Jesus redefines the path to greatness as making oneself low by becoming a servant or slave (a key word to star). In his kingdom, down is up. One descends into greatness through serving and giving.

The concept of greatness through serving and giving is counter-cultural then and still is today. The world urges us to jostle our way to the front, to be seen and heard and to step on others to rise to the top. As we are shaped by the cross, this should be “not so with us.” A cross-shaped life stoops to the staff beneath us at work and seeks to understand their challenges. We stop to listen to the lonely at the grocery store even when we’re in a rush. We set aside our need to be right to let those on the other side of a disagreement know we love and value them.

Through the power of Christ, we participate in his way of serving and giving and honor his name in doing so. Watch this video clip as Pastor Jeff Manion teaches about greatness through humbly serving.


As you head into the Christmas week, identify someone you can humbly serve. Consider calling or texting a family member or friend you’re at odds with just to remind them they matter. Write their name in your journal on page 100 with a commitment to God to serve them. “Jesus, this week I commit to follow your way of humble sacrifice in all my interactions with _________________. Help me love and serve them as you do.”

Download a printable PDF of the BTW week here.