The Greatest
September 10|Transformational Identity Series
September 10|Transformational Identity Series
Text: Mark 10.44-45
When Jesus says he’s “the way” in John 14.6, he’s cutting a new path to follow that isn’t like the old one. In fact, early Christians were called “People of The Way” because their life and behaviors were so counter-cultural.
In Jesus’ world, power and control were everything because few people had it. Even the disciples argued over who would be the greatest in Jesus’ kingdom. But Jesus’ path to being great doesn’t include status, nor having the most power—in his kingdom the greatest serve others.
A transformational identity in Christ includes serving the way he did. Today as you meet with God, ask him who and where he needs you to serve. As fall ministry begins at Ada Bible Church, there are many serving opportunities. Go here to begin a conversation!