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John 19

For the past four weeks, as we now arrive at Good Friday and with Resurrection Sunday just two days away, we’ve focused on the significance and magnitude of what Jesus accomplished on the cross.

Pastors Jeff Manion and Brad Holmes explained the concepts of atonement (God’s wrath aimed at Christ instead of us), redemption (God paying our debt that we can’t pay), justification (God declaring us innocent), and reconciliation (restored fellowship with God through Christ’s death).

As we look back on these four weeks, let’s remember this: everything changed at the cross. All the Old Testament looked forward to and all we would ever need to be in right relationship with the Creator of the universe, was accomplished on that wretched and glorious Friday. Nothing would ever be the same. It is history’s defining moment.

Our response can be only one thing: gratitude. Gratitude for all Jesus did, for you, on the cross. On this Good Friday, write a prayer of gratitude to God, focusing on one of the four things we’ve learned in this sermon series. Pray your prayer each day next week as part of your reflection on Resurrection Sunday.