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Do not be afraid, Abram. I am your shield, your very great reward.” Genesis 15:1b

Read: Genesis 15

Listen: Genesis 15


God promised to bless Abram and the whole world through Abram’s family (Genesis 12:2-3). However, years later Abram still has no children and it seems he has some doubts. God answers by entering into a covenant with Abram. A covenant is an agreement between two parties, much like a contract. The agreement between Abram and God is incredibly significant. It brings a clearer understanding of exactly how Abram’s relationship with God works. God tells Abram their relationship isn’t based on Abram’s performance. Instead, it is based on God fulfilling his promises. This covenant is foundational to understanding the entire story of the Bible.

In Genesis 15, God contractually seals his relationship with Abram. As we read the stories of the Bible, we see God’s covenant with Abram traced through important figures like Moses and David. It culminates in the person of Jesus. What God foreshadows through the covenant ceremony he fulfills in the work of Jesus on the cross.

This week as we look at this story, we get a vital glimpse into how God’s relationship with people works. It should cause us to reflect in awe upon the God who created us. It should also cultivate significant relief within us as we recognize our relationship with God is not dependent upon following a set of rules or earning his favor.


Reflect upon the covenant God makes with Abram. Think about how it fits within the bigger story of the Bible. Worship God by telling him how seeing the bigger story makes you feel. Thank him for allowing you to be a part of the bigger story.

Download a printable PDF of the BTW week here.

The Covenant