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The law of the Lord is perfect,  refreshing the soul. The statutes of the Lord are trustworthy, making wise the simple.

Read the entire passage: Psalm 19.7-14


We are supposed to feel God’s presence in nature. But—there’s more to God. Nature is one of the ways God plays upon our heart to desire him more. In nature,  we learn general things about God such as he is creative, he is good and he is great. Thankfully, God wants us to know more. He has given us his word so we can know and relate to him. What we learn about God through is word is called special revelation.

In Psalm 19.1-6, David writes how the greatness and wonder of creation tell us something about God. In today’s Scriptures above, he writes about how he delights in God’s Word. What we experience of God in nature should point us to his Word to learn more. God speaks through nature—but he reveals much more of himself through his Word.

It can be tempting to think we are getting to know God well enough through nature. While it is great to experience God’s presence through his creation, it cannot replace the growth we can have when we interact with God’s Word. Without God’s Word, we would not know about Jesus— the pinnacle of God’s choice to reveal himself.


At Ada Bible Church, we’ve identified three environments for spiritual growth. The Row is the weekend service, the Circle is the small group and the Chair is daily time with God and his Word. All three environments focus on God’s Word. Today, consider how you can engage God’s Word through a greater commitment to the Row, the Circle and the Chair. What would it look like for you to hunger after engaging God’s Word in these environments?