April 24|Reason to Believe Series
April 24|Reason to Believe Series
John 2.1-11
Not too many people consider an interstate restaurant sign a work of art. Though art often inspires thought or reflection, it typically stands on its own. Signs are directional. A sign functions properly when it points to something beyond itself.
John writes about seven signs in his biography of Jesus: turning water into wine (John 2.1-11), cleansing the temple (John 2.12-17), healing the official’s son (John 4.46-54), healing the lame man (John 5.1-15), feeding the multitude (John 6.1-15), healing the blind man (John 9) and raising Lazarus (John 11). These signs not only show Jesus’ miraculous power, but also tell us about who Jesus is and what he came to do.
At the end of the book in John 20.31, John tells us he included the seven signs, “that you may believe that Jesus is the Messiah, the Son of God, and that by believing you may have life in his name.” Whether we are a skeptic exploring the faith, a believer wandering from the faith, or a believer with “old and cold faith,” John writes so we will believe.
This past weekend, Senior Teaching Pastor Jeff Manion unpacked the first sign—turning the water into wine. This sign shows us Jesus is the true “master of the feast.” Through his sacrifice on the cross, he exchanges our shame and uncleanliness for joy and cleanliness.
Today, as you start your week, take time to read all seven signs. While they show Jesus’ miraculous power, they also point to something about Jesus. Try to identify what the other six signs tell us about who Jesus is and what he came to do. Use them to help you believe, either initially or at a significantly deeper level.