June 09|Encounters with Jesus Series
June 09|Encounters with Jesus Series
Now that I, your Lord and Teacher, have washed your feet, you also should wash one another’s feet. John 13:14
Read: John 13:12-17
Listen: John 13
Imagine the scene. Jesus, the respected rabbi, wraps a towel around his waist and begins to wash his disciples’ feet. This is a ragtag group of disciples. They are the students. He is the teacher. It’s almost scandalous. The disciples are likely embarrassed for him. It’s just not something any self-respecting rabbi would do. It was servant work. Jesus is different. He’s ushering in a whole new way to live. He’s modeling true life. As Jesus says, the blessed life is a life of service. It’s a life that revolves around the interests of others, not one’s own interests. This is revolutionary. Jesus challenges his disciples to follow his example of service. It’s a challenge the early church takes seriously (Acts 4:32-35).
Following Jesus’s example of service is a challenge we need to take seriously today. The church community is built on serving one another. It’s a common theme in the New Testament and something we see throughout church history. When a church community serves one another, we reflect the love of Jesus. It’s one aspect of the Jesus movement that has made the church unique. When the people of Christ take care of each other and serve each other, the rest of the world pays attention. As a church community encourages, supports and cares for one another, we also discover the blessed life Jesus talks about.
Consider whether you’re taking Jesus’s challenge seriously. We’re called to serve each other in our church community, which leads to a blessing. For ways to get involved in serving, visit and click Serving to see current opportunities.
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