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Deuteronomy 6.7-9

Our love relationship with God was never designed to end with us. It’s always to impact those around us, especially our families. It’s why Moses instructed the Israelites to take the commands they’d learned and practiced and “impress them on your children” (Deuteronomy 6.7). The word “impress” means to “repeat” or “engrave.” Thus, by continually repeating these commands, “at home…along the road…when you lie down and when you get up,” they would be “engraved” on the hearts and minds of those who are taught.

To do this, we need to “rock our roles.” As illustrated in the graphic below, Pastor Bieschke identified four times (meal time, drive time, bed time, and morning time) and their corresponding roles (teacher, friend, counselor, and coach) we can use to influence our children and grandchildren. But, as he says in the video clip below, the key is to be intentional! Influence doesn’t happen on its own.

This week, as you reflect on what you’ve heard, begin by selecting one of these times and roles. Use the time and role you select to intentionally focus on your child or grandchild. Don’t try all of them at once; work on one until you get good in that role and then select another. Pray for God’s wisdom and direction, especially as you move into a role that might be uncomfortable.
