February 24|Influence Series
February 24|Influence Series
After leaving them, he went up on a mountainside to pray. Mark 6:46
Read: Mark 6:39-46
Listen: Mark 6
Paul talks about finishing the race. What that means is he wants to keep sharing the good news of Jesus in a way that makes a difference. In some ways, the race of life is a series of races. Each race can wear us out. That’s where recovery comes in. This is something Jesus knew and practiced. One of his most famous miracles is turning a small amount of fish and bread into a meal for thousands. After this miracle, Jesus spends time with God to recover. Jesus was God, but he was also man. He got worn down and needed to recharge.
We all need to find ways to recover, or we’ll struggle to finish well and have a positive spiritual influence on those around us. But it isn’t always easy to do the things that help us recover the most. It takes intentionality. Easy mind-numbing activities often do little to restore us. As we recognize difficult activities or seasons coming, we may need to schedule time to go for a walk, read a book, spend time in God’s Word, bake, work in the yard, golf, craft, make cards, paint, draw, fish or write. God doesn’t want us to burn out. He’s blessed us with many ways to recover, but we often fail to make them a priority. If we aren’t intentional about it, we’ll settle for something that won’t restore us by the time we finish a difficult project or a long day.
Identify what helps you recover and when you need to do it. Talk with those around you to see how you can help each other make time to recover and then hold each other accountable for actually doing those things.
Develop spiritual roots and tap in the power of God’s word by memorizing monthly a Bible verse!
Being confident of this, that he who began a good work in you will carry it on to completion until the day of Christ Jesus.
Download a printable PDF of the BTW week here.