Real Faith Changes Us
February 08|Make it Real Series
February 08|Make it Real Series
You believe that there is one God. Good! Even the demons believe that—and shudder. James 2:19
Read: James 2:18-19
Listen: James 2
James reminds his readers that just believing who God is doesn’t make faith real. He uses the example of demons who know who God is. But belief in God doesn’t move them to change or obey God. In contrast, real faith changes a person from the inside out. Real faith is more than just knowing God and his truth but shaping everything in your life around that belief.
If God is who he says he is, then acknowledging him should change every aspect of our lives. It should compel us to leave behind things that oppose God and commit to the things he wants for us. Our purpose will change, as will how we spend our time, how we treat our coworkers, and how we use our phones and the internet. We offer ourselves to God by making Godly choices while the Holy Spirit within us is changing us to be like Christ.
TODAY: Is there a habit Jesus is calling you to change? Pray and ask the Holy Spirit to reveal it and empower you to change. Share it with your small group or a trusted friend so they can encourage and support you.
Read Genesis 8-9. Highlight anything that points to Jesus.
Download a printable PDF of the BTW week here.