March 04|Five Days Series
March 04|Five Days Series
Text: Luke 19.28-40
Jesus’ entrance into Jerusalem produced two polarizing reactions. First, many who traveled with him were convinced he was the coming King. These people rejoiced with loud and joyful praise as they celebrated the Kingdom he was to inaugurate (Luke 19.37-38).
Second, there were the antagonists: the Pharisees. These religious leaders had rejected Jesus, viewing him as a threat to their self-righteous system. They were aghast Jesus was receiving praise from his disciples and begged him to stop them (Luke 19.39).
Amid these sharply divided reactions, there was a third group: crowds who swayed depending on the developments of the day. One day they’re ardent followers, the next they’re keeping Jesus at a distance or actively hurling insults and verdicts of crucifixion. Their “conviction” lies solidly in public opinion: never grounded and always changing.
We, too, are challenged with how we will respond to Jesus. This week’s One Big Question . . . Can you pinpoint a time in your life when your opinion about Jesus shifted strongly one way or the other? Discuss this with your small group, close friend, or your family around the dinner table.