New Choices
February 25|Guest: Marvin Williams Series
February 25|Guest: Marvin Williams Series
Text: Colossians 3.5-9
When you’re new in Christ, you have a new identity which leads to new choices. Paul, the author of Colossians, makes it clear this is especially true in the areas of sexual purity and honesty. Modern believers sometimes like to overlook passages like Colossians 3.5, claiming they probably allude to ancient cultural issues such as Gentile temple prostitution and public bath houses.
But issues of immorality, impurity, passion, and evil desire are also prevalent today. In this era of lower TV/movie standards and the Internet, never have these temptations been so accessible.
Paul is adamant that our new way of life requires new choices: “Put to death, therefore, whatever belongs to your earthly nature: sexual immorality, impurity, lust, evil desires, and greed, which is idolatry” (Colossians 3.5). Putting your immoral desires to death is a drastic word picture, but a corpse can’t engage in immoral thoughts and activities!
We must choose to put the old life to death and renew our minds with the true knowledge of Christ (God’s Word).
Today, as you lift your hands to God and welcome him into your day, ask him to help you identify an old pattern with which you struggle. Ask for his help to turn away and to replace any immoral thoughts with his Word.