Living Water
February 20|Learning To Trust Series
February 20|Learning To Trust Series
Then God opened her eyes and she saw a well of water. So she went and filled the skin with water and gave the boy a drink. Genesis 21:19
Read: Genesis 21:19-21
Listen: Genesis 21
God not only saw Hagar, he opened her eyes and showed her a well she could drink from. This scene seems to foreshadow a story later in the Bible where Jesus meets another downcast woman (John 4:7-26). This woman had been married five times, which likely means five husbands had dumped her previously. Even in this pain, Jesus meets her and offers her what he calls “living water.”
When Jesus talks about living water, he seems to be referring to new life in him that includes the Holy Spirit (John 7:37-39). He is trying to show this woman that he can give her new life in him through the Holy Spirit. The same is true for us. He offers us grace, forgiveness, acceptance and new life in him. It can’t be earned—it is simply a gift.
This extraordinary gift of grace has a ripple effect over our relationships. It’s how one dealing with major health problems can bring life to everyone they interact with. It’s how we can lose our job, and still bless those around us. The grace we receive helps us offer grace to our kids when they are difficult. As those who experience his grace, we get to pour it out and refresh others.
Find a quiet place to reflect. If you are a Jesus-follower, you have been given extraordinary grace. Think about how this grace ripples out to others. Are you pouring out grace and refreshing those around? If you have questions about this or want to talk more about following Jesus, email us at
Download a printable PDF of the BTW week here.