He Moves In
September 05|The Generosity of God Series
September 05|The Generosity of God Series
But you know him, for he lives with you and will be in you.
Read the entire passage: John 14:16-17
God’s plan to bring sinful people back to himself involved Jesus “moving in” to 1st-century Palestine. As the God-man, Jesus walked, talked, lived and breathed as he explained about life in his kingdom. Then, following his death and resurrection, he ascended to heaven. God’s unique presence in Jesus was gone. But soon, God’s unique presence in the Holy Spirit would move into every believer.
In the Old Testament, the Spirit was present with believers in a general sense. Jesus promised his disciples, with these words at the Last Supper, that the Advocate would—in a unique way—personally and permanently indwell those who placed their faith and trust in Jesus. God himself would come and live inside every believer, giving them the power needed to live in obedience to him.
Among the many things the Spirit does are: he brings us new life in Jesus (Titus 3:4–6), he adopts us (Romans 8:14–16), he seals (marks) us as God’s child (Ephesians 1:13–14) and he forms us spiritually to be like Jesus (2 Corinthians 3:18). Living in us, God’s Spirit changes us from the inside out. It is not that we work harder to obey the rules, but that we open ourselves to the Spirit’s leading. Real change happens when we obey his teaching as revealed in the Bible. The goal is to have our character formed to be more like Jesus.
We have to be open to the Spirit and his work in our lives. With open hands, use the song “Holy Spirit” by Francesca Battistelli to welcome the Holy Spirit into your day and to remind you he desires to transform all of your life into the image of Jesus.
Download a printable PDF for the week here.