December 19|Focus For This Season Series
December 19|Focus For This Season Series
“And whatever you do, whether in word or deed, do it all in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God the Father through him.” Colossians 3:17
Listen: Colossians 3
It is not natural to be thankful for life’s difficulties. Even though the early Christians in Colossae were experiencing all kinds of strife, the Apostle Paul tells them (and us) to be thankful. In today’s Scripture passage, he offers three choices to move us toward thankfulness—allow Christ’s peace to rule in your heart, make God’s Word a part of your thinking/living and choose to thank God for everything said and done even when you aren’t “feeling it.”
It is important to continually give thanks, especially when life is difficult. The worse your situation, the more you need to be thankful. Thankfulness is vital for the rescue of the heart when life gets hard. Thanking God when you don’t feel like it won’t change your circumstances. But instead of complaining and turning bitter, it opens you to receive God’s blessings in the midst of the mess. The Holy Spirit is at work in your life in ways you may not see.
Life is not always easy. Today when you list three items for which you are thankful, list at least one thing that is difficult. Select one relational event, one element of the day and a specific food item. While you may need to ask God to help you be grateful for something difficult, trust him that your thankful heart will reveal a blessing.
Download a printable PDF of the BTW week here.