God So Love the World
August 31|The Generosity of God Series
August 31|The Generosity of God Series
For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life.
Read the entire passage: John 3:16-21
How do we know for sure we’re going to heaven? If you asked ten people, you might get ten different answers. But the Bible is clear. Salvation for our souls, both here and for eternity, comes only through Jesus standing in our place. Our debt for our sin separates us from God. But God loved us so much, that He gave his only son, Jesus, to die in our place. Only divine blood could satisfy the incredible weight of debt incurred by our sin. Even more, Jesus rose to life again as a final victory over death.
This incredible gift of salvation is the pinnacle of God’s generosity. But it’s not automatic. It is a gift that must be received. Some will say, “Everyone naturally gets this benefit.” This is not true. The gift of salvation must be received. Salvation is found in faith—believing Jesus is the Christ and surrendering your life to him as Lord of your life. Salvation comes through faith alone. No amount of good deeds can outweigh our bad. We cannot earn salvation—only receive.
As you read today, perhaps there is a clarity about Jesus and the salvation he offers. If you desire to receive this gift of salvation, you can right now offer a prayer of faith and surrender. It’s not a prayer that saves us, but our faith expressed in prayer. You can pray something like this, “God, I know I’m a sinner and have lived contrary to you. I believe Jesus is the Christ, the Son of God. And I believe he died on the cross for my sins. I surrender my life to you and desire to experience your life now and forever. Thank you for saving me. Amen.”
If you’ve prayed this prayer or would like further conversations about today’s Beyond The Weekend, please email us at btw@adabible.org. We would love to walk with you in your next step in your relationship with God.