For Their Good
September 04|The Generosity of God Series
September 04|The Generosity of God Series
But very truly I tell you, it is for your good that I am going away. Unless I go away, the Advocate will not come to you; but if I go, I will send him to you.
Read the entire passage: John 16:7-15
Nothing was more upsetting to the disciples at the Last Supper than hearing Jesus would be leaving them—and that it would actually be good for them! As they struggled to comprehend how his leaving could in any way be good, he told them that in his place, he would be sending the “Advocate,” the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit would soon play a significant role in their lives. Jesus knew it was important for them—and us—to understand the work the Spirit would do.
Of the members of the Godhead—the Father, Son and Holy Spirit (also called the “Trinity”)—the Holy Spirit is often the least discussed and most misunderstood. It is not difficult to relate to God as our Father and to Jesus as a human being who came to this earth. Relating to God the Spirit is hard. Understanding who he is and how he works is a challenge even for those who know their Bible well. Knowing these things is essential because it is the Spirit who works with, and within us, to transform us into the image of Jesus.
Jesus calls the Holy Spirit “the Advocate” (John 16:7). This legal term means to come to someone’s aid in a courtroom setting. God the Spirit is our “attorney” as we battle in a cosmic courtroom against the world, the flesh and the devil (Ephesians 2:1-3). A fight we cannot win without the help of God himself.
To learn more about our Advocate, and the work he does on our behalf, read Ada Bible Church’s We Believe teachings about the Spirit found here. Session Five is about the Holy Spirit. Take time this week to read through and look up the Scriptures as you better understand why the gift of the Spirit is good for you.
Download a printable PDF for the week here.