Far from God
May 19|Encounters with Jesus Series
May 19|Encounters with Jesus Series
Jesus asked, “Were not all ten cleansed? Where are the other nine? Has no one returned to give praise to God except this foreigner?” Then he said to him, “Rise and go; your faith has made you well.” Luke 17:17-19
Read: Luke 17:17-19
Listen: Luke 17
Jesus heals the lepers and one returns to thank him. Jesus expresses surprise that only one returned and that he was a foreigner. More specifically, the returning healed man was a Samaritan. Jews thought that the Samaritans had everything wrong religiously. Jews thought Samaritans were far from God and the last people God would show mercy to. Yet, Jesus offers him mercy and ultimately commends him for his faith. Very countercultural but in some ways previews the Kingdom of God. God welcomes all—even those who are far from him.
This story is also our story. We were each dead in our sins and far from God. But God raises us to new life in him. As Jesus-followers, we get to share the good news of Christ and preview his kingdom. We are Jesus’s representatives. Since Jesus welcomes those who are far from God, we ought to do the same. May we be known for welcoming all to turn from their sin and follow Jesus.
Consider who in your life is far from God. Then consider how you could be Christ’s representative to them. For many of us, this probably means finding a way to share the good news of Christ with them. For others, it might mean taking a step to tangibly show them the love of Christ. If you’d like to talk more about what this means, email us at btw@adabible.org.
Join us all of 2023 developing a different spiritual practice each month. SPIRITUAL PRACTICES are intentional regular activities to deepen our relationship with God and mold us to be more like Jesus.
May is SECRECY. Keep track of our spiritual practices at beyondtheweekend.org/spiritualpractices.
Download a printable PDF of the BTW week here.