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Those who had been scattered preached the word wherever they went. Acts 8:4

Read: Acts 8:1b-5

Listen: Acts 8


The early church leaves the boundaries of Jerusalem and Israel and scatters across the Mediterranean. Their faith persists even as they flee fearing for their safety and start over their lives. God stretches their hearts to share the good news of Jesus in their new neighborhoods and towns. Everywhere they go, they share about all Jesus has done for them. The church continues to experience rapid growth and now includes Jews and non-Jews from everywhere.

God cares about the people in our lives, and he desires to use us to share the story of Jesus wherever we go. We may realize we have co-workers, neighbors, friends and family members who know we attend church but don’t know our faith story. He is actively pursuing the people in our lives and desires to use us to reach them. We may find we’ve been in a relationship with someone for years, but we’ve never talked about Jesus with them.

God will empower us to share the good news of Jesus with those around us as we seek his help. Jesus promised the Holy Spirit will be our helper, teaching us and reminding us of his words (John 14:26). God will give us the courage to speak up and invite others into a conversation that might lead to a relationship with him.


Ask God who he desires to reach with the message of Jesus through you. Write in your journal or in your mobile device anyone God brings to mind. Reach out to them this week with the question, “Would you be interested in hearing about my faith?”

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