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But David said to Abisha “Don’t destroy him! Who can lay a hand on the Lord’s anointed and be guiltless?”

Read the entire passage: 1 Samuel 26.1-12


David has two opportunities to seek vengeance on King Saul. First in a cave while King Saul “relieved” himself at the cave’s entrance. The second in 1 Samuel 26 when David sneaks into the camp of King Saul’s army in the middle of the night. He conveniently finds a spear in the ground next to the sleeping King’s head. David’s men urge him to take the king’s life but David refuses. He instead takes the spear to prove to King Saul he had spared Saul’s life. David later returns the spear as a peace offering. By doing so, David laid the groundwork for peace and an ending of the feud.

We all encounter difficulty in our relationships. And when we’re hurt, we all have our “weapon” of choice—some technique that serves us by wounding the people we’re struggling with. This can be explosive anger, the silent treatment, gossip or posturing to try and bring another down to size. Whatever the “weapon” we choose, we should follow David’s example and be willing to drop our weapon first. Mercy diffuses conflict. God may be asking you to take the first step in disarming the conflict you’re experiencing.


Today, take a few minutes to identify your “weapon” of choice. What technique or behavior do you default to when you feel threatened or attacked? God desires for you to lay this down and proceed into your difficult relationship with grace and mercy. We can do this because Jesus has done this for us. Consider making a first step of peace by laying down your “weapon.” If you’d like to talk to someone about taking that first step, send us an e-mail at btw@adabible.org.