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But now we have lost our appetite; we never see anything but this manna! Numbers 11:6

Read: Numbers 11:4-9

Listen: Numbers 11


Day after day, it was the same thing. Manna for breakfast, manna for lunch, manna for dinner. It was probably great the first day, maybe even the first week. After weeks, months and years—they are sick of it. Emotions turn into complaint. Though the desert is barren, the land between is fertile ground for complaint.

Difficult seasons are still fertile ground for complaint. What we are facing as a city, state, nation and entire world becomes tiring. It may not have happened on day one of shelter-in-place, or maybe even week one—but eventually, we all start to feel, “I’m sick of this.” That’s where the danger to the heart begins. What we do with that emotion matters. When we complain, it reflects our heart isn’t in “trust God” mode, but in “blame God” mode. “I’m sick of this” presents us with an opportunity to complain or to trust.


Remind yourself that trust is what pushes out complaint. One of the best ways to trust is gratitude. Gratitude is a focus on everything going right when your emotions tell you to focus on what is going wrong. Gratitude shifts the direction of your heart and the way you look at things. In your journal, write down three specific things to be grateful for despite your current circumstances.

Download a printable PDF of the BTW week here.